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Professional Cash Flow Analysis

A professional cash flow analysis in Syracuse, NY and surrounding areas to increase the money in your retirement accounts.

A professional cash flow analysis in Syracuse, NY and surrounding areas to increase the money in your retirement accounts.

Everyone wants to retire, but the quality of your retirement is based on how well you have saved and invested your money leading up to retirement. First things first, you need to know what you are spending each month. You may think you know, but you may be surprised to learn where your money goes.

A cash flow analysis will help us deliver proper recommendations to build a personalized plan for your future in Syracuse, New York or wherever you plan to retire.

How we will help with your cash flow analysis

Using your budget, we will analyze how you spend your monthly income. We will make recommendations on how to live within your means and allocate your resources correctly.

Recommendations We Make Based on Your Cash Flow Analysis:

  • How much you should be saving/investing to be economically successful. Your budget will inform us if you are spending too much in one area and how we can use that money instead to save, invest and plan for the future.

  • Everyone should have an emergency fund. We want you to have some money that you can access easily if something unexpected happens. We all experience it; that event you did not anticipate, your car dies, you have unexpected health care costs or short-term unemployment, and the list goes on. You need to have a source of cash available, so you don’t have to use your credit cards to solve the problem. Credit cards may raise the cost of fixing the problem significantly.

  • If there is a lot of credit card debt, we look to refinance that as best we can. It could be with a personal loan or an equity line of credit. We want to reinforce the need to live on a budget and to allocate resources correctly

We Can Analyze Your Books

The goal of our personalized recommendations is to direct more money into your retirement goals. Reach out so we can assist you!

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